Sunday, September 23, 2012

Past Newsletters

(Photos by Tommy Arnold, 2012)

Hello Fellow Texans,

In case you have missed some of our recent newsletters, here are the links to see them again:


WB Ray High School said...

Updates to WB Ray 1964 News:

Sadly, more loved ones have passed away. Vickie Richardson Nice wrote from IL that she was there to bury her dear mother, Rosie Belle Richardson, age 90.

Candy Alexander Cheney wrote that Mary Anne Miller Rhodes also lost her dear mother, Gene Bell Miller, in July.

Candy also noted the sad passing of a very special Educational Administrator, Mr. Vance Littleton, formerly of Hamlin Jr High and Superintendencies in Harlingen, Lake Jackson.

Our thoughts, hearts and prayers are with the families & friends of these very special people, as well as others that we do not yet know about.

WB Ray High School said...

This from Larry Hagler:

My wife Liz and I are the reunion planners for the military unit I was in back in the late 60s. I missed Ray’s 45th reunion because it was the same weekend as my military reunion.

Question, has a date been set for the 50th? My military reunion will be in Las Vegas next year and I will be setting the date soon. I really don’t want to miss Ray’s 50th.


Larry & Liz Hagler